Wedding same-day-ready VDO's
A memorous video ready the same day for the video conference ceremony/party. (COVID-19 period). Let that day still be the most beautiful day in your life!
Documentary, Film, Edit
Wedding videos
Your most beautiful day deserves an everlasting memory with your fav music!
Documentary, Camera, Edit
Wedding showreel 2018
Event promo VDO [Diem & Concertgebouw Orchestra]
Modern painter makes mess out of classic string salon concerto.
Strategy, Concept, Script, Direction, Music
Impression VDO Master Class [Brendan de Clercq]
Camera, Edit, Music
Interviews promo VDO [ICI]
For specialists in competitive intelligence business.
Camera, Edit, Music
Impression VDO RTL4 TV interview health product
1 short VDO smartly cut in 4 social clips
Camera, Edit, Music
Documentary VDO's for institutional cooperation [KRW]
The successful story of cooperation amongst institutes in the Fish Road Map by KRW and Nature at Work.
Camera, Edit
Wedding dance impressions
Handy for social media!
Documentary, Camera, Edit
[NL] Crodino TV commercials scripts
Sympathising the under-estimated soft-drink.